Contact Info
Dominic Burrows -
Teaching Assistants (TAs)
Qisen Yang -
Zhining Chen -
Instructional Assistants (IAs)
Nicole Huynh -
Ryan Cao -
Derek Kuang -
Jiawei li -
Anirudh Annabathula -
Office Hours
Office hours are a great place to personally interact. Beyond projects and course material, we are interested in your goals, career endeavors, and what you want to gain from COGS 9. Data Science is a rapidly changing field and there is always a lot to discuss!
Staff | Day & Time | Location |
Dominic Burrows | Fri 9:30-10:30AM | SSRB / Zoom (meet at Social Sciences Research Building 1st floor at start, if arriving later email instructor) |
Qisen Yang | Mon 5:00-6:00PM | DIB361 |
Zhining Chen | Wed 1:00-2:00PM | CSB234 / Zoom |
Nicole Huynh | Fri 2:00-3:00PM | CSB 114 / Zoom |
Ryan Cao | Mon 3:00-3:50PM | Zoom |
Derek Kuang | Tues 2:00-3:00PM | Zoom |
Jiawei li | Fri 10:30-11:30AM | SSRB / Zoom (meet at Social Sciences Research Building 1st floor at start, if arriving later email instructor) |
Anirudh Annabathula | Tues 3:30-4:30PM | Zoom |
Zoom Links: Dominic Burrows Zhining Qisen Nicole Ryan Derek Jiawei
If you are unable to join or are having other issues, please reach out before or after class (I try to get to class a few minutes early and can stay for a few minutes after, although I do teach a class right after this one so can’t stay too long) or in the discussion sections.